Car accidents are incredibly common, which is why it is the legal necessity for every driver to have car insurance coverage. However, in the event that the driver who hit you is not insured, the urgency of the situation drastically increases. In these instances, your own insurance company will be held responsible in paying for any and all expenses incurred--if and only if you have obtained uninsured motorist coverage, also known as UIM.
Following this kind of accident, the first step to take in your course of action is to notify your car insurance company to learn how your coverage can apply to what has occurred. It is essential you do this as soon as possible, as some policies require these claims be filed within a very specific, and often shortened, time frame. Though these kinds of claims take longer to resolve as there is a lack of responsive information from the guilty party’s side, fighting to have your costs completely covered is more than worth it.
This process is generally similar to a regular claim, except this time you are facing your own insurance company. The process is as follows:
- Pretrial investigation
- Disclosure of medical records
- Depositions of witnesses
- Submit your claim to binding arbitration as opposed to a court trial
- Wait for a response from the arbitrators
Contact Our Sedalia Personal Injury Lawyers Today
At Kempton & Russell, we know how stressful it can be to be in a car accident, and the pressure only increases if the driver is uninsured. This is why it is vital you enlist in the help of our Sedalia personal injury attorneys, who will do everything in our power to fight for your rights. We will fight tooth and nail to ensure your damages are paid for, injuries are covered, and medical bills are taken care of--allow us to advocate on your behalf.
Schedule an initial consultation with someone from our team by calling (660) 722-4115.